Escuela de la linea Sur: Escuela de Calor/ école du Chaleur) Red School of Doubt and Des-education

School of Doubt and Des-education
For me to give a workshop is not so much to give a series of lessons, or to position myself as a container of a knowledge that I convey ……
My proposal is basically to create a practice on a context and a experience, based on structures that can go back to basic roots as the exercises of the Greeks, as The Abductive thought of Aristotle and the Peripatetic walks….
Experimenting , daring and doubting ,using the outdoor space and the supposed antagonic places to what we would consider now the usual setting for learning .E.Planas

“An ignorant master is not just an ignorant person who gets a kick out of playing master. It is a master who teaches – that’s to say, who is for another person a cause of knowledge – without transmitting any knowledge. A master, thus, who displays the discontinuity between the master’s control and his knowledge, who shows us that what is called “the transmission of knowledge” consists in fact of two intertwined relations which it is useful to disassociate: a relation of will to will and one of intelligence to intelligence.”
Jaques Ranciere..mapredline

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